Though I enjoyed Star Trek and Lost in Space as a kid, as an adult I don't believe that we will go trucking around in outer space discovering life forms that have evolved on other planets.
Evolution just doesn't make sense. The human body is far more complex than we understand, and the systems of our body are interdependent.
Which evolved first: the veins and arteries, the blood, the heart to pump the blood, the lungs to supply the blood with oxygen, the nose and throat to supply the air to the lungs,
or the kidneys and bladder to remove the waste products from the blood, or the intestines to provide nutrition to the blood, or the digestive system to bring the nutrition to the intestines,
and of course which evolved first the male or female reproductive systems? I could go on and on, but you get the point.
What makes sense is Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
What about UFOs?
I believe UFO are demons, that is fallen angels, and I believe that when the disappearance of millions of Christians from earth,
that Jesus talked about in the 25th chapter of the book of Matthew, happens, the world will call it an alien abduction.
Matthew 24:40-42 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.
That being said, I still enjoyed Lost in Space, and I have been disappointed for decades that Irwin Allen ended the series leaving them stranded in space with a bunch of insane vegetables
and no hope of getting home. As an adult, I emjoyed that it portrayed a family that deeply cared about each other.
As a kid I always wondered why they didn't just lock Dr. Smith up in one of those suspened animation tubes for the rest of the journey.
Well, Bill Mummy finally brought them home and Dr Smith seems to be a little kinder in this animated series "Lost in Space Miracle in Space". Just ignore from 15:00 to the end of part 4 if you want completion.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
I have also heard that Netflix is making new lost in space episodes, but I cancelled my subscription to Netflix when they put out the movie, "Cuties" and I don't plan to renew.
Sometime before 2015, Vic Mignoga started a "Kirk Starter" campaign to continue Star Trek's 5 year mission.
He wrote some very good scripts, and they did an excellent job re-creating the original set.
The STAR TREK CONTINUES webseries trailer:
The series completes the original five-year mission.
At, you can find all of their episodes, vignettes,
and other content including behind-the-scenes videos, set walk-throughs, and much more. I hope you enjoy it. I did.
(As a side note some of their outtakes, though not bad at all by todays standards, are not quite as squeaky clean as outtakes from the 60s would have been.)
As one more side note: I enjoyed the old Star Trek and Lost in Space but I never cared much for Star Wars because it had too much eastern religion.
Riverside, Iowa
Calling all Star Trek fans: You won’t want to miss a visit to Riverside, the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk.
According to the Star Trek canon, the captain of the Starship Enterprise will be born in Iowa on ??March 22, 2228. The town’s Trekfest is one of the Iowa’s most unique festivals!
The small town of Riverside took advantage of that fact and dubbed itself “where the Trek begins.”
You can learn all about the show at the Voyage Home Museum, see the captain’s future birthplace and even spy a plaque marking his future place of conception at a local bar in town.
From Mary Broussard's facebook page